The Center for Renewable Sources and Energy Saving (KAPE) was established in September 1987 by Presidential Decree 375/87, is a private body of private law with administrative and financial autonomy, a public research body governed by private law, in accordance with Article 2 point 22 of the Law 4310/2014 as in force. According to Presidential Decree 189/09, it is supervised by the Ministry of Environment and Energy. KAPE is the National Agency for Renewable Energy Sources , Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Saving . With Law 2244/94 ("Regulation of Renewable Energy Sources Issues") and Law 2702/99, KAPE was designated as the National Coordination Center in its areas of activity. The aim of the CRES is "to promote the applications of Renewable Energy Sources, energy saving and rational use of energy as well as all kinds of support activities in the above sectors" (article 3 of Presidential Decree 375/87). In order to achieve this primary objective, among other things, the CRES supports applied research, technology development and industrial activity in the renewable energy and energy saving sectors, conducts applied research and study programs, organizes or participates seminars, educational programs, conferences to promote renewable energy sources and the rational use of energy, and generally takes any other action necessary for the achievement of its purpose (Article 3 of Presidential Decree 375/87). The CRES is staffed by scientific staff with more than 120 high-level engineers and scientists and over the years has participated in more than 600 European and national projects. The CRES implements a Quality Management System that is in compliance with EN ISO 9001: 2008 and certified by TÜV Austria for the scope of Managed and Controlled Co-financed Projects for the Programming Periods 2007-2013 and 2014-2020.